This app is a legacy version of The Body Code from 2013. For brand new, regularly updated Body Code content, get the Discover Healing app!
(This app requires existing login and password to use The Body Code.)
Imagine you had access to the most profound and sacred energy healing knowledge.
The secret is this: The human body holds all of the answers that we need to help it function at its absolute peak. But then the question can we access this limitless healing database? How can we use this "database" to quickly correct the health imbalances that are causing you pain, emotional distress and holding you back from the life you have always dreamed of?
The answer is simple: Combine the proven techniques of Muscle Testing with a groundbreaking new system based on the same sure-fire logic that runs every single computer in the world to unlock the hidden energy healing power of the subconscious mind.
It is called The Body Code System...and it is the most advanced self-study energy balancing and energy healing system in the world.
Please go to for information.